Conservative government has “abandoned Rotherham”, say Greens

The Conservatives failing to stand a candidate in Rotherham is proof that the Government has abandoned the town, says local Green candidate Tony Mabbott.

He said, “This heartless Government abandoned northern towns like Rotherham long ago. Not even putting a candidate on the ballot paper in Rotherham for July’s General Election shows that even they admit it.”

“Because there is no Tory candidate in the election, Labour can no longer use the tired old scare tactic of saying that if people vote Green they will let the Tories in. That can’t happen this time, so voters have an opportunity to vote Green and hold the next Labour Government to account.”

“So, I’d like to thank the Conservatives for giving local people the chance to choose real hope and real change over the old two party politics of division and disillusionment. They no longer have to choose between the lesser of two evils. They can vote Green in Rotherham and start to fix broken Britain.”


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