Bex Whyman has been selected as the Green Party mayoral candidate for South Yorkshire.
Bex tells us why she’s standing and what she wants to achieve in the role
Twitter: @Greenwhyman
Facebook: Bex Whyman
Instagram: Bex4Mayor
Tiktok: Bex4Mayor
“I am thrilled to be selected as the candidate to represent the people of South Yorkshire. I want to say a massive thank you to my friends and peers who ask the right questions at the right time. ‘What about you?’ she said. Indeed what about me? I’m going to introduce myself, tell you why transport is close to my heart and talk about how we revolutionise the way we live, work and play with energy, jobs and skills leading us to a better future.
“My name is Bex Whyman, I am a full time Senior Analyst and mother. I have experience in being the only woman in a room and making my voice heard. Coming from a journey of going green and pushing through barriers and expectations, I can be an excellent Green Mayor giving South Yorkshire a full-time effort dedicated to challenging the status quo.
“As a Green Mayor I won’t have Party bosses telling me what to think and how to vote.
“Transport is integral to how we move as a county, it’s close to my heart as I desperately want to follow my dreams and be able to visit family in the most sustainable way I can. We need to bring buses under public control and support this with improved infrastructure. Say no to more road schemes and create better, integrated tram and rail services in South Yorkshire.
“Energy has caught my attention since moving into the Sheffield area, my bills are no longer tied to the locked-in rates of the past. The future of energy is green, and I will fight to reduce energy bills and emissions. We need an insulated Britain, more clean renewable energy and absolutely no fracking.

“It is vital to develop Jobs and Skills that support this period of energy transition, undertaking the important work of conserving energy by insulating homes. We want to achieve this by building more energy efficient homes and retrofitting the places we live and work. Following on from COP26 we know that there are challenges in all industries to meet emissions pledges – and the Green Party have a long history of meeting these challenges head on. The answer is to follow our core values and work with nature, not against it. Acknowledging the interdependence of transport, energy and jobs we can create a harmonious and just economy.
“I am free to stand up for local people and truly represent the communities of South Yorkshire. Can Labour really say the same? In place of party bosses, I will be accountable to the people that make this county so vibrant. Instead of consultation, as mayor I will insist on conversation. By pooling knowledge and combining willpower, we will work together to honour and embrace the opportunities presented by greening the interconnected systems that sustain our livelihoods – greater conservation of energy coupled with lower impact energy sources, a transport system that gets us all moving, and jobs and skills that will support a thriving future for the county.
“In summary, I want to serve the people and industry of South Yorkshire by harnessing the power of sustainable energy, transport and jobs.
If, like me, you believe we can do better…
If, like me, you believe there’s a local spirit of innovation and resourcefulness…
If, like me, you believe we need to stand up for ourselves and for our future…
…then I look forward to starting conversations with you that will disrupt the status quo and inspire the freedom within us to create brighter futures.”Bex Whyman for Mayor
Twitter: @Greenwhyman
Facebook: Bex Whyman
Instagram: Bex4Mayor
Tiktok: Bex4Mayor