Don’t Sell Our Green Belt

Proposed housing development to destroy wildlife habitat

The Green Party’s local candidates for next May’s local elections are campaigning alongside local residents to prevent the destruction of a valuable wildlife habitat in Wales Ward.

Land at the back of Lambrell Green and Norwood Crescent is under the threat of a huge development for 600+ new houses. Green candidate Emily West said, “Not only does this development entail the loss of a vast and beautiful green belt in our community, but we know it is also a huge haven for local wildlife where deer are regularly seen and photographed. We call on Rotherham Council not to sell this land to developers.”

Local Parish Councillor Paul Martin, who is also a Green Party candidate, commented, “There are serious concerns about a huge deterioration in local air quality, not to mention the fact that this development will put enormous strain on our infrastructure, including roads, schools, and the GP surgery. We don’t want every last bit of land in Wales Ward built on, especially when there’s a vast area of unreclaimed former industrial land within the borough that would be much more appropriate for this kind of housing development. We are calling on our three Labour Party borough councillors to come out unequivocally against the sale of this borough council land and the development as a whole. In fact, we really don’t think that Labour should have included this land in the Council’s local plan in the first place.”

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