Our Manifesto is finally here

Green Party manifesto launch

Rotherham Green candidate Tony Mabbott welcomed the launched of this year’s Green Party Manifesto, calling it “serious, honest and ambitious“.

Tony said: “Only the Green Party is serious about tackling the major problems facing the country, honest about the resources needed to do so, and ambitious enough to put in place radical change that will help us meet the needs of current and future generations”

“The old parties are vying with each other to say that they won’t raise taxes, but this will inevitably mean more cuts to essential services after election, hitting the most vulnerable first. The Green Party is the only one honest enough to reject this approach and say that greater investment is needed, not more cuts”

“Millions of people are living in substandard housing or have no secure home at all. Fixing this is a priority, but will cost billions to put into practice. The Green Party would find this by taxing the super-rich – those with assets of more than £10 million.”

“The same applies to the much needed investment in finding for repairs to hospital buildings and increased availability of social care.”

“And all of these measures will also help to save us from the worst impact of the climate emergency – hospitals and homes build to strict environmentally friendly standards are good for those who use the buildings, good for those who pay the bills on the buildings and good for all of us, as they will help us transform our economy to a climate neutral one.”

“During the past decade or so of Tory government a few have become even richer while most of us have suffered for the Government’s greed, callousness and incompetence. To change this we need to raise a modest amount from the very wealthy and use that where it is most needed.”

“The people of this country are being offered more the same by the old parties when they need real hope for real change. That’s what the Green Party, and only the Green Party, can deliver.”


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