Letters to the Editor
Comments from the Sidelines
28th February 2025
High News these days, statements by USA’s new President Trump have reminded me of 2 recent comments by our Rotherham MP and Defence Minister Dennis Healey, one welcoming the formation of a new Steel Council, and the other saying we should do nothing to upset our good relations with the USA. Given that Trump has criticized our support of Croatia and slapped a 25percent tariff on our exports of steel to the US, I wonder if our MP is still of the same mind, also whether he is on our Sir Keir Starmer League 2 Conservative Government ( Known currently as “Labour”) delegation about to go “cap in hand” to the US, presumably to gather up the crumbs that Trump is willing to throw off his table.
Of course there is another potential market for our exports, the Global South, but they are so impoverished by multiplying debt to our Western Banking and Financial Systems that there is little chance of that market ever opening to us without major changes to the system, and in that system Britain’s own Big 4 banks alone have declared a £46 billion profit in 2024.
A report that the Yorkshire Water Authority on the 18th February polluted a rare chalk water stream near Kelham with raw sewage reminds me that the Thames Water Authority, already over £11 billion in debt, has just escaped dissolution by negotiating a further £3 billion loan at an eye-watering 9.75percent interest and fees (equal to £800 million over the two and a half year loan term). As a taxpayer I would be interested to know from our Government who will eventually be paying that interest, and also what the loan will be spent on, given that 12 years ago a £2 billion loan to Thames water Authority was spent entirely on increasing share dividends.
When a commercial development is either projected or approved on what is designated Green or Agricultural land, banner headlines always appear in the media that “thousands of jobs” will be created. Does anyone ever check the result for the accuracy of these claims? My own experience is that the numbers finally employed, unless the site is filled by factories engaged in high intensity manufacturing, are more likely to be in the mid hundreds rather than thousands, mainly in low pay or casual occupations. An article of this type is printed in the 20th February edition of the “Rotherham Advertiser”. A second caption reads “but skylarks suffer”. So, we have the destruction of the Environment, the loss of an unspecified area of Agricultural capacity, and, according to the article, noise disturbance to local houses, traffic disturbance and pollution in a local village, significant loss of air quality over the entire district, and the local loss of a red listed bird species. All “to provide jobs” in a county where the unemployment rate is recorded as 5 percent, probably more due to lack of accommodation than to employment opportunity.
And on the subject of housing, a read through the local newspapers has revealed numerous plans for small building erection and conversion projects, but still no move towards the provision of affordable housing for the still growing numbers of homeless people and families. My feeling is that such families are unlikely to have the money to buy, so the real need is for rentable housing, but otherwise the letter by Paul Doughty of Anston in the 20th February edition of “The Rotherham Advertiser” says it all.
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
My Thoughts on Other People
21th February 2025
A letter in a previous “Rotherham Advertiser” from a privately renting tenant saying she may be evicted if her landlord is charged Selective Licensing on her home. Interesting License this, it is levied on landlords in unsightly areas (in this case by fly-tipping) leading to possible antisocial behaviour. In short, a landlord in the area, or the tenant if the charge is passed on, is charged up to £80 a month for the Council’s inability to maintain the area, and the Police’s inability to maintain the law as a result. One buck legally passed on !
In the same edition a letter suggested a novel cure for juvenile knife crime, convicting parents of guilty juveniles as well. Unfortunately, we have an already present problem, where to put offenders in the first place. Our Government’s solution of finding cells for Protesters by releasing long term prisoners to make room for them has been highlighted, but the same problem exists in Juvenile establishments. Our lack of accommodation for our thousands of homeless is again being mirrored by an equal neglect in the provision of adequate prison and Juvenile offender establishments, and in the maintenance of those we have, and for Juveniles there would also be the need of schools, training facilities and later follow-up services to ensure an offender can survive outside the system after release.
The same neglect is also too frequently observable in our Health, Care and Welfare provisions, and indeed all the disciplines for which a good Government should be responsible. Our current Keir Starmer League 2 Conservative Government (also known as Labour) has a well publicised buzz word for its aims, “The Economy”. Maybe in the interest of public standards they should try another one, “The Infrastructure”, combined maybe with “The Ecology”, In the late 1940s and 1950s vast sums of money and energy were expended in rebuilding and repairing the results of World War destruction and neglect. Today it should be obvious that the same money and energy needs to be expended in rebuilding the results of decades of neglect, disinterest and even outright discouragement ( the term ” not financially viable” can be used at any level) by successive self serving Governments. Once again, the money is in the wrong place and the Government and Financial authorities making every effort to keep it there. In 1954, due to equalising taxation, we had only 39 Millionaires in Britain, in 2022 we listed 178 Billionaires, and our top100 CEOs were being paid more in a day than an average man’s income for over a year.
On Friday 21st February our local Rother Valley MP, Jake Richards, is holding a public meeting in Woodsetts Village Hall at 5.30pm to discuss local issues. Maybe he’ll have time to explain his Government’s actions on other matters as well.
C.David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
Views on Protest, and other Matters
14th February 2025
On the right to Peaceful Protest. The right to show dissent to a government or authority decision is a fundamental freedom, and particularly in this day and age on matters of Climate and Environmental destruction, but I’m sorry to say our Government disagrees entirely. Our record for the imprisonment of peaceful protestors is about 17 percent, the highest in the world, with the possible exception of Australia, the World average being 6.7 percent.
A young “Stop Oil” protester was given 22 months for throwing soup at a glass protected Van Gogh painting. I agree with any reader who is confused at what hurling a canful of over-processed tomato juice over a picture of a bunch of flowers has to do with Oil, but 22 months! Another group of would be protesters was imprisoned for a total of 21 years for merely “planning” to climb up a Motorway gantry, and a further woman gaoled for standing silently at the side of a jury box entrance with a sign saying “You have the right to disagree”. The further disgrace of this matter is that, such is the state of overcrowding in the prison population, and state of disrepair of prison buildings, it was reported that long term prisoners were being released with shortened sentences cut short to make room for them, and sent out with no provision for “halfway” housing or Probationary supervision.
It seems every other page of the “Rotherham Advertiser” lately reports on plans for the demolition of derelict structures, new housing developments, conversions, etc. What seems to be missing is the provision of affordable rented accommodation. For decades now the planning regulations for Domestic accommodation has included a requirement for all schemes to include the provision of 25 percent “affordable” rented accommodation, but where is it ?. Granted the regulations contain enough loopholes and “get out” clauses for any such inconvenient requirement to be avoided, but now we are served by a “Labour” council under an alleged “Labour” central Government surely such a needed requirement should be bearing fruit , but where? Meanwhile the Homeless Family lists keep on increasing.
Finally, the failure of the Climate and Nature (CAN) Bill. Two weeks ago, at a time when we learned that the 1.5 degree Maximum world temperature rise had been irrevocably smashed for the entire 2024 year, that our attempts to control the increase in climate destroying CO2 emissions had again failed, and facing us across the Atlantic, the rise of a Climate Change Denying US government, the CAN Bill came up for its second Reading. The cardinal aims of the CAN Bill are to place a duty on the Government to achieve set Climate and Nature Targets (not estimates, or broken promises but actual achievements), and to reduce Emissions in line with our Nationally Declared contribution as per the Paris Agreement. But rather than allow a debate, or even a free vote, our Government ordered a vote to delay the Bill until July earliest, and ordered a return to Parliament and a 3 line whip to enforce it. So now we know, goodbye Labour party and Green credentials, from now on our Keir Starmer league 2 Conservative Party will govern our lives.
C,David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
This is “Labour” ?
7th February 2025
In the 1950s/60s, under our old style Labour Government, all Britain’s Building and Essential Services were overseen by Inspectorates who ensured that minimum standards of work and service were maintained. Then came a Government which preached that the 1900s Labour “government for the masses” was wrong, that Essential Services should be “privatised” and Inspectorates scrapped in favour of “Self certification” with no independent Control of Minimum Standards and everybody their own arbiter;
Tower blocks were built with cladding that burned with loss of life and property
Schools erected that crumbled in 30 years
Water services neglected and the Floodplains earmarked for new Reservoirs and Flood control sold off and bought by developers to build Houses
Sewage services left to disintegrate and sewage released into the environment
Energy supplies sold off to offshore cartels that scrapped Renewable Energy development in favour of Polluting but far more Profitable Gas and Oil, and a World beating Health Service starved of essential finance to make it easier for takeover by offshore Health Insurance companies.
Yet despite all this our new “Labour” Government Chancellor last month told an Assembly of the World’s most influential Heads of State, CEOs, Financiers and Trillionaires, gathered in Davos, Switzerland, that Britain’s problem was “Too much Control !”
So, citizens of Rotherham, what of your Government now, and no mistake it is yours, all 3 of our constituencies are now represented by dedicated Party MPs that have voted in favour of everything the Government has so far proposed, and so far almost everything reneges on pre-election stances or commitments. The cut in Winter fuel allowance, the increase in Employers national insurance (charged to their employees and customers), and the under review reductions in Sickness and Disablement allowances are all taxes on working class people, the takeover by Private healthcare of the NHS is accelerating and is already costing the taxpayer several millions per year. The new Water (Special Measures) Bill, is in progress, but still allows 3 figure increases to the private customer, and currently allows for the cost of remedying neglected infrastructures to be additionally charged to the same future customers.
The obscene profits by Fossil Fuel companies is still not being addressed, nor the hold they have on our Energy system, but it is rumoured that the reduction of costs to businesses by passing some of their costs on to the ordinary customer is being considered. The changes to Farmland Inheritance tax is still being disputed, but not the probability that any land sold to pay it will not remain as farmland but will be bought by offshore developers to the detriment of our national food production.
The list goes on, so do we now have a Labour government by the People, as conceived in the 1900s and funded by Workers and Union subscriptions, or are we now governed by an alternative Keir Starmer style Conservative Party. To my mind the Jury is still out.
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
Here comes 2025
31st January 2025
So let’s see what’s been happening since Xmas.
I decided at Xmas to wait before commenting to see whether our new Government is really a “Labour” one as they claim, or just a “League 2 Conservative” one in Labour disguise, and as it will be 6 months old by the month’s end, with all three Rotherham MPs dedicated members of it, we should by then have an idea how the citizens of Rotherham are going to fare under it.
The cancellation of the Energy Grant to anyone not poor enough to qualify for Pension Credit was our first shock, as was the reaction of both our new Government and our own Rother Valley MP to any objections to it. Prior to 2019 the Rother Valley had been represented for over 30 years by an old style Labour MP, Kevin Baron, who several times during his tenure had expressed an opinion against his Party’s stance on a government matter, but the Party of that time had shown the moral integrity to recognise that either an MP’s own beliefs or those of his constituents could vary from the Party line, and had taken no action against him, whereas our present Government’s reaction to a legitimate objection was to take action against the dissenters that was barely short of Fascism . Also in all that tenure I know of no time when a petition or demonstration at a constituency office, however rowdy, had been met with a call to the police and a door slammed in their faces. Clearly we are dealing today with a “Labour Party” of very different complexion to the one us “old timers” have been placing our confidence in since the 1900s, and whose actions need to be examined in a far more critical light.
On the subject of local MPs, a recent letter to the Rotherham Advertiser lauded the actions of our last MP, Alexander Stafford, and expressed a hope that he would return, so I must express my opinion that his performance as a constituency representative was exemplary, his efforts in regard to any local problems first class, and the extraction of highly needed capital for the restoration of Dinnington and Maltby town centres outstanding, as was his campaigning for the upgrading of transport links and other prospects. The problem was that away from his constituency and in Parliament he was a different person and his total support for many of the environmentally and socially destructive aims of his party was equally avid, and since we cannot have Stafford the local benefactor without Stafford the supporter of offshore destruction I have with regret to disagree.
The disagreement over the emptying of the Rotherham Hospital Accommodation blocks still continues. When I was a Hospital employee, I remember subsidised on-site Medical and Nursing Staff accommodation was common, and training for vocations in Care and Healing was free. Nowadays anyone wishing to enter such professions either has private means or completes their training at least 5 figures in debt, and must compete for accommodation with Britain’s 400 thousand Homeless. However, some of our MPs that have an additional income as landlords may be able to help.
Oh dear, my list of subjects has barely started. Maybe next time?
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
“Sustainable Development” ?
13th December 2024
There has been talk of the Prime Minister ruining our Nation using the “2030 Agenda”, so I brushed up my political history to try and figure out how we got here.
In 1992 in Rio de Janeiro, the United Nations Assembly Agenda 21 called for a comprehensive plan for the Future Sustainability of the World. It took some time, but in 2015 the entire 178 nation strong Assembly adopted the “17 Sustainable Development Goals to End Poverty, Protect the Planet, and Create Prosperity for All”. A plan for the Future of the Entire World, to be achieved by 2030.
They even made up a mnemonic to remember it by “PEACE AND Justice FOR ALL Good Partnerships”, each Capital letter being a Goal.
The goals were simple :
1) P. no Poverty, World access to all basic necessities, food, clean water and sanitation.
2) E. End Hunger ensure food security, nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture.
3) A. All in Good Health, disease prevention, universal healthcare.
4) C. Clean Water and Sanitation
5) E. Education for all.
6) A. Affordable Clean Energy from renewable energy generation
7) N. No further Climate Change or Global warming.
8) D. Decent Employment and Economic Growth.
9) J. Justice and Equality for all.
10) F. Financial Inclusion. Adequate financial provision for All Nations, including cash poor Third World countries.
11) O. Open infrastructure and Innovation. Creation of sustainable Cities and Communities, with proper planning, and affordable housing and transport.
12) R. Responsible Consumption and Production. Waste Reduction, efficient use of Resources and sustainable practices.
13) A. Action on Climate. Immediate action on Climate change reduction, raising awareness, transition to Clean Energy.
14) L. Life under Water. Conservation and sustainable use of Marine resources, protecting marine Ecosystems, prevention of Marine Pollution.
15) L. Life on Land. Halting Biodiversity Loss, fighting Desertification, restoring Land Degradation, Sustainable Use of Land.
16) G. Good Partnership. Promoting Peace, Justice, and strong accountable International institutions.
17) S. Sustainability for all. Collaboration of Governments, businesses and civil societies, and sharing of knowledge and resources essential to the achievement of all these goals and SGDs.
Unfortunately, the United Nations Assembly of 2015 left out of this plan one essential heading, the Letter G for GREED, the glue that holds together every Bank, Financial Institution, Government Treasury, or other Finance organisation in this whole World, and controls the hearts and minds of every financier and politician with a finger on the purse strings. It is this ingredient that has, in my lifetime, destroyed without thought any attempt at curtailing the destruction of our World, or belief in the rights or sanctity of any living creature upon it, and has without any compunction trashed every attempt however well designed to combat the annihilation of every good thing upon it . The time for the fulfilment of the 2015 UN Assembly plan is this year half over, and we have accomplished NOTHING. not of this Agenda or of any other subsequent plan for the continuance of life on earth . We still have 6 years left to achieve the 2030 agenda, but don’t hold your breath.
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
Still searching for the Good News
29th November 2024
Both our current Rother Valley MP, Jake Richards MP and his predecessor, Alexander Stafford, have in a recent edition of the “Tizer” written of abuse, threats, and criminal behavior towards them and their families. Why? Granted Jake Richard’s reaction to protest has not been what we should expect from someone elected to represent us, but Alexander Stafford is long gone, so why the baboonish, destructive and immature behavior. I have been a voter now for over 70 years, and in all that time, never, except maybe for a short period, still to be reviewed, during the miners strike, have I seen the like. Have we totally lost all confidence in politics, or has the country become so thuggish and brain-dead as to be ungovernable. The next few years will tell.
Glad to read the Battery Storage Facility near Wickersley has been shelved, for all its alleged green credentials. Trouble with building on Green belt land is 1 building after erection always seems to become 10 a few years later, and goodbye Greenbelt.
Not such good news are the Solar Farms proposed on Green and Agricultural Land throughout the Area. Agriculture has taken a battering already this year from the Government’s ill thought out Death Duty changes, and as for “solar farms supporting many of the same goals as green belt for wildlife and recreational facilities”, forget it . There are erection methods and spacing designs that could support agriculture on the same site, but the solar farm designers would have to accept increased costs and the problem of allowing public access on the sites. Solar generation is badly needed if we are to achieve anything like our Clean Energy targets, but the way to achieve them is to integrate them into other designs, not look at them in isolation. We just need to stop always looking for the easy way out.
Look up “Ofwat” in the media and it tells you that “it works in the interests of the Consumers by making sure the companies are properly run, the system resilient, and the market competitive”. It also tells lies. Faced with the lack of care and maintenance of the infrastructure and the continuing sewage scandal, our new Government was going to take the industry to task and ensure it did its duty. The result? The companies supplying the “Services” are exactly the same, and on the 18th.December 2024, Ofwat is expected to announce increases to the Consumers Water and Sewage bills approximately twice that of the increases approved in July, and already expected to create affordability problems to 40 percent of its customers. To the residents of Rotherham, those billed by Yorkshire Water Authority can expect an increase of +35 percent, and those by Severn/Trent, +46 percent. So much for the Keir Starmer style Labour Government, and an “Ofwat” that works in the interests of the Consumer.
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
So What Happens Now?
22nd November 2024
So COP29, the Global Conference upon the outcome of which, believe it or not, our future depends, is drawing to a close, but this time not without some wrangling among the assembly, so much so that the final debate is still going on and the end report delayed. To any who have not been following this conference, the dispute is from the representatives of poorer mainly Global South nations, who have been bearing the brunt of the Climate Change devastation, but due to their low finances have been, and still are, unable to make the changes needed to combat it, and nations such as the rich G7 countries, including ourselves, who so far have gotten away with it mainly unharmed. The Global North’s initial offer, to the poorer nations, of $250million by 2025 was described as an insult by the Developing Countries, who countered that a sum of $1.3trillion per annum by no later than 2030 would be needed if they were to stand any chance of meeting their commitments. (I have just read that this dispute has been ended with a commitment by the Global North of $300billion per annum from 2025, hardly a satisfactory answer to the Developing Countries stated needs.)
All this bickering would be laughable were the subject of the dispute not the very survival of the Planet on which we all depend. Already this year our previous target of not more than 1.5 degrees Celsius temperature rise has been breached, as has our aim to reduce CO2 pollution, with the news that in 2024 our Atmospheric Pollution Emissions have already exceeded those of previous years. Nobody is listening. The news is full of news about loss of life, global catastrophes, storms and tidal anomalies of ever greater severity and in places never before affected, and everyone apparently wants to believe they are isolated cases and could never happen to them. The richest nation of the Western world, the United States of America, is now totally in the grip of a Climate Change denying Government for the foreseeable future, making the fight to preserve the life of our home Planet even harder for the rest.
The COP28 United Nations pledge to divest itself of Fossil Fuels “in a just and orderly manner” is now also under attack, an Organisation having been launched in Azerbaijan by the oil rich Arab countries with the express purpose of reversing the COP28 commitment.
And all the while the Nations of the World continue bickering, prevaricating, and dragging their feet, while the Bankers and Financial giants continue hoarding the World’s riches and erecting themselves grander tombstones in the Cemetery that they are rapidly making of Earth.
Maybe, the way we are presently performing, we don’t deserve our World, and Adam Laycock’s prediction of its end is getting closer.
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
The Battle for the Life of the World
15th November 2024
As I write this letter the delegates for the next COP are assembling in Azerbaijan. Once more, as with COP28, a country virtually floating on oil and dependent on fossil fuel sales for its existence, and again as at both COP28 and the recent Biodiversity COP the number of delegates and supporters are totally outnumbered by Oil cartel representatives. Even before the event had begun it was reported that the Chief Executive of Azerbaijan’s COP team, Elnur Soltanov, was using his position to discuss possible new Fossil Fuel contracts, and President Ilham Aliyev has told delegates in his welcoming addresses that oil and gas were “a gift of God “.
Still, this is the only COP on Climate Change we have this year, so we need to make the best of it, although we will be lacking several significant faces. Outgoing US president Joe Biden has declined to attend, and US president elect Donald Trump, a dedicated climate change denier, will certainly not be there. EU president Ursula von der Leyden has declined to attend, as has China’s president Xi Jinping, India’s PM Narendra Modi , and Argentina’s Javier Milei, and after being accused by president Aliyev of “brutally killing” citizens of New Caledonia during recent protests, and France’s Pacific territories being described as “colonies”, France’s president Emmanuel Macron and his delegation have also left.
Those remaining will have plenty to discuss, the average global temperature in 2024 now the highest on record, the breaching of the 1.5C temperature rise threshold established in Paris in 2015, the estimate by Climate Analytics that the world is on track for a temperature rise of 2.7C overall as present policies stand with little action or improvement during the last three decades. Increasing rainfall and flooding in many areas, but also drought and famine in other previously fruitful ones. The increasing wind speeds and changes in Climatic and Oceanic patterns. All demonstrably linked to man’s persistent use Fossil Fuels over the last 150 years and the inexorable buildup of pollution from the burning of the same.
A fellow subscriber to the Rotherham Advertiser’s “Postbag”, Adam Laycock, wrote several weeks ago that God had revealed to him that the World would end in twenty years from now. I have no wish to dispute with him the omnipotence of God, but from my observations of man’s increasing selfishness and lack of charity to others, I am of the firm belief that if our world comes to an end it will be from no act of God, but rather the result of the arrogant and unconcerned activities of Man
C.David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
So What Now?
8th November 2024
I always believed holding conferences calling for reductions in Oil consumption in countries floating on the stuff was crazy, so when a conference on Biodiversity was to be held in the most diverse country in the World, surely this time it was going to go right ? Wrong!! Everyone wants Climate Change and Loss of Biodiversity to stop, but only if someone else pays for it.
“A Matter of Life or Death” was how the situation was described by Colombian President Petro at the start of the conference, speaking of the 73 percent decline in the planet’s Wildlife population in less than 50 years. Nor are the deaths reserved to wildlife, as a result of the nation’s efforts to curtail illegal logging there were 79 murders of indigenous wildlife defenders in Columbia last year, 40percent of cases worldwide. The biggest problem is the reluctance of the rich nations of the North to pay their share. A package of $20 billion promised by 2025 has so far raised a mere $163million, a drop in the ocean compared to the United Nations estimate of $700billion that will be required to properly manage Diversity and halt its present World destructive decline. Think that sounds a lot ? It’s actually less than the USA spends each year on military spending in support of actions like Israel’s genocide of the Palestinian arabs, in short the richest Nation of the Western World spends more on the murder of Mediteranean Arabs than preservation of the World’s essential Biodiversity.
But just because the USA is the largest player in the game does not make it the only one. Biodiversity is the variation in natural resources that creates the world conditions that all life relies on, and our blind assumption that it is someone or something else’s problem to provide it is no longer valid. It manufactures the air that we breath, it creates the conditions that supply the food that we rely on, the movement of the atmosphere carries water vapour to the places where for millennia we have been supplied with water to drink, it is a global phenomenon that has across the entire planet been the controlling feature creating the conditions for life in all its unbelievable variations to exist and interact. And for generations the human race has been altering those conditions and diluting that diversity for reasons that we believed were to our advantage, without really understanding the implications of what it was that we were doing, so we have now stretched the limits of that biodiversity to beyond its capacity to recover without drastic action to help that recovery. Recovery that has to be paid for, despite the reluctance of the World’s bankers to open their coffers to the World in the interests of mere survival, because survival is the end game of this present crisis, like it or not.
Whether Great Britain is any better than the rest of the Western nations we shall hear when we are given the reports of our Representatives at the COP, Environment Secretary Steve Reed and Nature Envoy Ruth Davis.
C.David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
Cop 16, Cali, Columbia.
1st november 2024
What should I do, when my dismantled soul
Gives unto God my character and worth?
If when He’s read the script, ask’s “This, the whole?”
“Away! Heaven is those who bettered Earth”
(William Dowsing. circa 1912.)
Starting last weekend, over 23000 pre-picked Delegates from most of the World’s countries descended for 2 weeks on the little town of Cali ,in Columbia, for the 16th COP.CBD, the 16th Conference on Biological Diversity. This meeting is really a continuation of the ground breaking 15th. conference in Montreal, and the presentation there of the Kumming-Monreal Global Diversity Framework containing the groundbreaking “30 by 30” pledge (30percent of the World’s Sea and Land areas to be protected for Nature by 2030). This COP was intended as a review of the progress made towards the implementation of the 2022 pledge, but the prognostication is not good, only 10 countries having so far presented their promised Action schedules.
This COP , unlike other broad scope of other COPs, focuses specifically on the “silent crisis” of biodiversity loss, the need to protect the natural world and halt the present destruction of critical ecosystems, and to do that we have to understand precisely what Biodiversity is.
Biodiversity refers to the variation of life on our Planet and the way it underpins the natural resources life is dependent on, the air we breath, the security of the food and water we rely on, the access to natural landscapes and the rich diversity of species on the planet we rely on for our continued existence. And all this diversity, including your own continued existence, is in critical danger. There has been an estimated 79 percent loss of species since the turn of the century,and even now we estimate a million species of plants and animals are in imminent danger of extinction, the largest loss of life since the dinosaurs. It is this diversity of species that keeps nature in balance, that is the natural defence against climate change,and it is significant that this years biodiversity COP is taking place in the country with the highest diversity on the entire planet, 55percent of this moderately sized country is forested, 300 species of animal, 1000 species of birds,400 orchids, distributed across a Nation with every form of environment and climate in the world, divided not by area but height, wth feet in both the Atlantic and the Pacific and its head in the 5000 metre high Andean peaks. And all this ripe for destruction by the World’s desecrators, the Oil cartels, mining companies, deforestation giants, and their enablers the financiers and world banks, already hovering like the vultures they are around the Nations resources.
Our representatives in this Jungle. Environment Secretary Steve Reed and newly appointed Nature Envoy Ruth Davis, have a massive job to do, let’s hope the tasks they have been given are the right ones and that they are equal to the task.
C.David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
Less than a Week to go
25th October 2024
It was only after reading my Diary yesterday that I realised how both Politically and Environmentally important this November is.
In less than a week from when the “Advertiser” reader buys this paper, we will have the Autumn Budget, the first real, definitive indication of whether we now have a real people’s Labour government, or a sham 2nd league Conservative one that has usurped the Labour title to gather a bundle of votes they didn’t deserve. Only when we have read it, and digested the small print that Chancellors use to sneak round what looks like good news in the headlines. will we know, and only time will tell us what this Government is really made of.
Already started on the 21st. October and running through to the 1st. November, the 16th U.N. Biodiversity Conference in Cali, Columbia. Although little advertised, this is almost certainly the conference upon which the survival of our planet depends. Scientists reckon there are 8.7 million species living on our earth, of which only a quarter are documented, and each one has a specific purpose in the planet’s survival, but as a direct result of our actions they are being lost at a rate of up to 10 thousand times their natural rate of extinction, so many that some ecologists are claiming it the start of the 6th.Mass Extinction crisis. Our one species is absorbing 25 percent more of the planet’s resources than it can replace, and this discrepancy Must be reversed if we are to survive. In a letter some 4 weeks ago Adam Laycock alleged that God had told him the Earth would end in 20 years from now. I know of people who agree, not because of any act of God but purely as a result of our own unrestrained actions.
The United States Presidential Election starts on the 5th. November ’24. Whatever opinion you have of what many call Donald Trump’s disastrous last term in office, or of the almost unknown outside the USA, Kamala Harris, there is no doubt that this is the closest Presidential campaign ever, and everyone predicting total mayhem after, with neither side conceding victory and both claiming vote rigging by the other. And this the most politically and militarily powerful nation in the world?
Lastly, from the 11th.November to the 22nd., in Baku, Azerbaijan ( another venue virtually floating on oil), the 29th.COP on Climate Change. At the last COP, delegates were outnumbered 2 to 1 by Fossil Fuel salesmen, and throughout the series the COPs have been dominated by representatives who gave stirring speeches on the need to curtail oil use and pollution, then went home and did precisely the opposite, but this time it’s different. Global warming is beginning to bite, and the World is really beginning to show that we are reaching the end of the line, So everyone please hope and pray that at last we have an international conference that performs as it should, and delegates that return home and live up to their Word.
Finally on a personal note, can anyone really tell me what “Wokeism” is? I know what “Woke” is, it’s US/African slang for being woken up to the world around you, and “being Woke” is obviously being awake, But “Wokeism” as a word just doesn’t work, unless of course it was just invented to be used as an insult by someone too ignorant or idle minded to think of a proper one. Never mind !
C.David Foulstone
Rotherham green party
Still Three Weeks to Budget Day, and the Jury’s on its way Back
4th October 2024
Our new Government’s apparent method of saving money by killing off us Geriatrics is gathering momentum even before the Budget, but as promised I’m still awaiting the final death knell before making further comment. However I have to register my extreme disappointment at the response of my new Rother Valley MP to the pensioners’ recent demonstration against the Fuel Allowance cuts outside his Constituency office.
My wife and I have lived in Rotherham for some 24 years now, during which time we have been represented by MPs from both ends of the political spectrum, and who have both during their tenure had to deal with active protesters, But this is the first time to my knowledge that any such protest or demonstration has been met by having the door slammed in their faces. If this is to be the attitude of our new Government to any future disagreement, then I fear instead of the change being the breath of fresh air we hoped for we have merely swapped one catastrophe for another.
C.David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
Ways to fill the Government’s financial “Black Hole”
27th September 2024
Thinking of ways to fill the Government’s financial “Black Hole”, besides robbing pensioners with incomes over the Universal Credit Limit of their fuel allowances, and using the Government’s figure of £1.3 billion saved by the cutting of the Winter fuel allowances, I’ve come up with a few ideas .
Let’s start with our Billionaires. A 2percent wealth tax on Jim Radclffe (sounds familiar?, think fracking and plastics) would raise £470 million, and on all our billionaires a total of £1.6 billion. We’ve exceeded our winter fuel saving cut already
Excess Profits tax on Energy Companies. A similar 2percent tax on Shell and BP alone could raise £1.4billion, not counting all the others.
Closer to home, our MPs have just been awarded a £5000 a year salary increase,( and that’s just the basic sum, those with the titles of Minister, Chancellor, Secretary or Chairperson get far more). A 50 percent reduction of that increase would save another £1.6 billion, and would hardly be noticed on top of the £86400 basic pay plus increments they were already getting.
Then of course we have Mp’s and Ministers Expenses. The list of outgoings claimable by MPs etc.as expenses, but regarded by us ordinary mortals (including pensioners) as day-to-day household and work outgoings, is legion, but just by way of an example our new Chancellor, Rachelle Reeves, the promoter of the pensioners allowance cuts, was in 2019 paid the sum of over £214000 in expenses, and in 2023 claimed the sum of £3700 for the heating of her house in London alone, rather more than the pensioners £300 allowance, and in those days she wasn’t even the Chancellor, just an MP and the chairperson of some obscure Parliamentary committee
Hang about, that’s just the elected members, what about the salaried professionals. Sally Gray, senior Aide and advisor to Sir Keir Starmer, has just been awarded the record salary of £170000, so she could afford a bob or two.
Mind you, her salary pales into nothing compared with that of Sarah Bentley, who recently resigned from Thames Water after it was revealed that under her leadership the reported leaks from the system had been the highest ever. Her salary including incentives and bonuses was reported to have been £3million.
As I wrote a few weeks ago, Britain is awash with money, it’s just all in the wrong places
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party
The Jurys still out, but not happy
20th September 2024
Keir Starmer’s new Labour Government is, I read, continuing his assault on pensioners. After winning the vote on restricting the Winter Fuel Allowance, albeit with a number of revolts and abstentions, they are now considering cancelling pensioners free Bus Passes and, a far more damaging assault on the over sixties right to life, pensioner’s Free Prescription Charges.
A greater threat to this nation’s wealth and survival is however their decision to join the Trans Pacific Trade Pact, the CPTPP. The same objections as when the last Government applied still stand, firstly that we already have better trade agreements with the Pacific nations with which we do business, secondly it is estimated that trade within this Pact will benefit Britain’s trade balance less than 1 tenth of 1 percent, but thirdly and most dangerously, it will be signed with the pact’s integral ISDS clause still valid, which means that any refusal by us to accept inferior imports to the detriment of this nation’s farming or manufacturing standards could be met by £multi billion enforceable damage claims from the Trade Pacts ISDS kangaroo courts. Whatever advantage membership of the CPTPP is to Keir Starmer’s Labour Government, I see no advantage to the ordinary British citizen, his business or his welfare.
C. David Foulstone
Rotherham Green Party